How We Got Here (I think and fear…)

Here we are in the 4th month of this presidency and it is hard to imagine that things could be more crazy and chaotic.  If it is reasonable to assume that a large contingent of Trump supporters are in that category of people who call themselves Christians and are referred to as Fundamentalists, Right Wing Christians, etc., then it is reasonable that these people’s religious beliefs are the reason they voted for him. (Clearly this group is not the only group that supported Trump, but just hang in there with me for a moment.) The rest of us have been wringing our hands trying to figure out why people who call themselves Christians could support and vote for someone who is so obviously not Christian. And worse, is a philandering, sexual predator.  “What”, we ask ourselves, “is that all about?” “How does that make sense?” Or more to the point, “WTF???”

So here is my thought and my fear:  I believe that most right wing Christians supported him, not so much because he would help to bring about some right wing Christian nation where abortion is illegal and gay people have no rights and nobody has to pay for anybody else’s birth control.  That is only part of the picture.  I really believe, and this may seem crazy to say in public, that the real reason is that he represents what they think are prophesies in the Bible.  That the world is moving into the so called “end times” and that he is a part of that process.  Maybe somewhere in the Bible it says that an orange guy would come forth and lead us into Armageddon. I don’t know.  I think that the outlawing of abortion and the removal of civil rights and so forth is just the frosting on the celestial cake.  The real reason is Bible prophesy.  So….what that means is that a whole bunch of people have been willing to throw the rest of us under the proverbial bus in order to be “right”.  So they voted in large enough numbers in the swing states for a guy who will do considerable damage before all is said and done in order to uphold their narrow and fear filled beliefs: “Jesus loves us and not the rest of you because we will be gathered up in the Rapture and go up to heaven while the rest of you suckers languish down here on Earth”.  The truth is, of course, that this guy could lead us into Armageddon if his first few months in office is any indication.  Between his dealings with North Korea and his attempts to distance himself from Putin by bombing Syria, it just might happen.  But, golly, won’t it be interesting when there is no Rapture after all? What if what we wind up with is just a ruined world? A democracy in shambles and, in it’s place, we have a oligarchy lead by a bunch of rich white men? If that happens then:  you got some splainin” to do, Lucy.

I am hoping to continue with this theme in subsequent posts, with a view toward what I believe, those of us who do not fall into the category of Fundamental or Right Wing Christians or do and want to support sanity, can about all this.  And other wonderings.



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